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Always Pray and Do Not Lose Hope

Always Pray and Do Not Lose Hope

I haven't been writing lately. I haven't been working to finish my book, and it's frustrating me because the story that I want to share with the world is the...
Sarah Faulkner
I PAUSED MY STORE TODAY (because I've been wanting to write a book since 2012)

I PAUSED MY STORE TODAY (because I've been wanting to write a book since 2012)

You can have hope. Sarah Faulkner; trauma survivor, co-dependency overcomer, mother of an addict in recovery, brain aneurysm rupture survivor, and stroke survivor shares the power of prayer, and her personal, real-life miracle of complete healing. She calls her upcoming miracle memoir THE MAKING OF A PEARL.  (coming to bookstores 2024)


Sarah Faulkner
Artisan Handcrafted Pearl Jewelry by Sarah Faulkner

Lessons from my Rose Garden: Pruning & Blooming

He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit He prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. ⠀
John 15:2 
Sarah Faulkner